"The Divine Command Theory (DCT) is the view that the moral standard is determined by God's commands.
It appears that the DCT is mistaken in its essential claim that "It is right to do X" means "X coheres with God's commands." God;s commands are not the metaphysical foundation of our moral standard. Rather, God's nature is the foundation. Divine commands serve the critical epistemological functions of making that standard known to us and confirming our duty to obey it. In other words, divine commands do not make things right or wrong, but they are at least one way that we know what things are right and wrong." (Cowan & Spiegel, 2009, 365).
Cowan, S. B., & Spiegel, J. S. (2009). The Love Of Wisdom: A Christian Introduction To Philosophy / Steven B. Cowan, James S. Spiegel.. Nashville, Tenn.: B&H Academic.