4Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
for they will be comforted.
(Matthew 5:4, NIV)
Mourning is often looked upon as something we as humans only need to do when there is significant trauma in our lives. But the truth is that Mourning does not only come about as a result of tragedy. “Sometimes our sin brings mourning or sorrow, but often times, it comes from just living in a pain-filled world.”
We don’t want to admit our disappointments either because we feel like there will be no comfort for the sorrow or we feel as though our feelings will be looked down upon. “To mourn without being comforted compounds the pain. We need loving, trusting relationships with family, friends, and others so we can vulnerably share our hurts.”
“It takes emotion to heal emotion.”
“Becoming a person who blesses others with God’s comfort will help prepare you for healthy, God-honoring relationships.”
-The Great Commandment Commission (IMPACT ~ The Student Leadership Bible) Leadership Issues: GC2: Comfort for Those Who Hurt